The Way to Extend The Life of Dental Handpiece

teeth Aug 21, 2019

It is important for operators and doctors to maintain and take care of dental handpiece, after all, the phone is expensive and easier to bad. Handle with care is necessary. Because the mobile’s bearing, ball between resin bracket are more afraid of the wind wheel drop, and more expensive to fix. It is better to avoid knocking during the tranfer process. Remember to clamp the car-pin firmly. Both before and after clips force uniformly. Don’t take the car for longer discussion that will hurt the clamp needle, and without a strong tremor-prone. If you really need, you can use a stretch needle directly, it is cheaper than clamping spring and so on.

The details show as following: 1. Using a qualified car-pin a. Dont use bend, defect or injury car-pin b. Needle clamp parts of the car is not too short, otherwise it will speed the bearing wear. c. Without clip car-pin or standard stick, mobile can not operate with ventilation, or it will damage the bearing. 2. Reasonable use and maintain a. Use hiagh quality lubricants to clean dental handpiece. b. Lubrication twice a day at least, and each spray 1-2 seconds at least. c. High temperature and high pressure before and after disinfection, you must do the lubrication process. d. Good clean inside and outside of mobile on a eagular basis. e. Following the mobile’s specifications, adjust the air pressure correctly. 3. Correct way of maintenance a. Using high precision dental repair tool, non-standard and simple maintenance tool will damage the mobile and bearing. b. Using high quality and high speed bearing to avoid frequent replacement of the damage causede to the movement. c. When remove the bearing and the wind wheel, in case to damage the balance. d. Instalation should pay attention to the direction of the wind wheel, inside of the bearing must be in the direction of the wind. e. Replace both of the bearing togeter, and keep on the undamage one to the next time to use. f. Replace the new O-ring when maintain the mobile each time. Easyinsmile is dedicated to provide quality products to customers. The products must go through three standard quality control processes at our warehouse before they can be shipped. There is also a three month guarantee on most of the items on Easyinsmile.

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