Welcome back to our article series on the four most feared of all the procedures offered by dentists in Colorado Springs. We’ve discussed tooth extractions, orthodontic braces and, in our previous article post, root canal therapy. In this article, the 5th installment of the 6-part series, we shall look at dental implants. Dentists in Colorado Springs Answer Your FAQ FAQ: What are dental implants? Dentists in Colorado Springs Answer: Dental implants are a sophisticated technology for the replacement of teeth that have become irreparably decayed or damaged or have gone missing entirely. They consist of three different technological components, explain dentists in Colorado Springs: (1) A tiny titanium screw or fixture that is inserted into a predrilled socket in the jaw bone, (2) An abutment or “collar” that is affixed to the artificial root and used to support the third component… (3) A ceramic dental crown (single tooth replacement) or a prosthetic dental bridge (multiple tooth replacement). The result, explain dentists in Colorado Springs, is a natural-looking tooth that enables patients to eat, speak and smile in comfort and with confidence.
FAQ: What is involved in the placement of dental implants? Dentists in Colorado Springs Answer: Surgery is required to place dental implants. Depending upon the complexity of the procedure, the number of implants being placed and a patient’s jaw bone health, either a general or a local anesthesia will be used. When the mouth has been completely numbed and/or the patient safely anesthetized, Dentist Colorado Springs will carefully sterilize the socket left bare by the missing tooth. They then insert the titanium post of the dental implant into the jaw bone and attach the abutment and temporary crown. Any incisions are then sutured up and the patient sent home to recover. In the months following surgery, the titanium base of the implant will be fusing with the underlying bone tissue in a unique biological process called ‘osseointegration’, explain dentists in Colorado Springs. Once the jaw has healed and the implant is strong enough to support a natural bite, you will be required to return to the dentist to have a permanent tooth crown fixed.
FAQ: Does it hurt to have dental implants placed? Dentists in Colorado Springs Answer: The reason dental implants are greatly feared by patients is because of the procedure’s reputation for pain and discomfort. First and foremost, anesthesia and (if requested) sedative medication is supplied, so patients won’t experience any pain or anxiety during the procedure. Secondly, explain dentists in Colorado Springs, patients are sent home with prescription pain-killers to help manage post-procedural discomfort. Having said all this, one should note that dental implant surgery is an invasive procedure, so you cannot reasonably expect to skip out of it pain-free! You will probably want to stay in bed for a day or two and do nothing more strenuous than lift the remote control to change the channel, say dentists in Colorado Springs. What patients need to focus on are the long term benefits of their decision to replace a damaged or missing tooth with dental implants. Here are some positive facts to dwell on rather than the temporary discomfort you will be experiencing: Dental implant surgery enjoys a fantastic success rate of 98%. It is a totally safe and predictable procedure, say dentists in Colorado Springs, so you have no reason to be nervous. Anyone can have them placed – old and young – and newer, more sophisticated implant techniques and technology have really minimized the pain and discomfort associated with this procedure. Dentists in Colorado Springs: Stay Tuned! Stay tuned for the final installment of this 6-part article series, during which qualified and experienced dentist in Colorado Springs shall be providing their final thoughts on the four most feared of all the dental procedures.